When an ACGME program application first gets approved, it receives the status of Initial Accreditation.
Initial Accreditation - is granted for initial accreditation of a program or for a previously accredited program which has its accreditation withdrawn and has subsequently reapplied for accreditation.
When the program application Does NOT get approved it receives Accreditation Withheld. The ACGME RC may withhold accreditation when the proposal for a new program does not substantially comply with the requirements.
There are several ramifications to loss of accreditation, hospital loses support from federal grants, reimbursement from CMS for residency training will be lost and most importantly the program cannot have residents to train. Hospital then has to have attending replace the residents / fellows.
Our company can determine why the program received Accreditation Withheld. Our subject matter experts will find the root cause of the problem(s) and help re-apply for the program including answering the citations associated with the withheld program.
Our goals is not just for your institution to pass and received Initial Accreditation, but to have you achieve Continue Accreditation status.