New ACGME programs require the approval of the Designated Institutional Official (DIO) and the Graduate Medical Education (GME) department.
ACGME programs incorporate specialty-specific ACGME program requirements based on the core residency program or subspecialty fellowship program.
The following documents are required as PDF uploads when completing an application:
• Specialty-specific Application – A Word document template for the specialty on the ACGME
• Block Diagram – a block diagram for each year of education in the program, aligning the rotation months with your list of provided participating sites
• Program Letters of Agreement – all Program Letters of Agreement for sites with required external affiliated rotations
• Policy for Clinical and Educational Work Hours – program policies and procedures for resident/fellow clinical and educational work hours, including policies on moonlighting
• Policy for Supervision of Residents/Fellows – policy for supervision of residents/fellows (addresses responsibilities for patient care and progressive responsibility for patient management, and faculty member responsibilities for supervision)
• Policy for Resident/Fellow and Faculty Member Well-Being – policies that encourage optimal resident/fellow and faculty member well-being
• Goals and Objectives – a sample of the competency-based goals and objectives for one educational experience at each educational level
• Forms Used for Resident/Fellow Evaluation of Program – a sample of the form that residents/fellows will use to evaluate the program
• Forms used for Faculty Member Evaluation of Program – a sample of the form that a faculty member will use to evaluate the program
• Forms used for Evaluation of Faculty Members – a sample of the form that residents/fellows will use to evaluate an individual faculty member
• Evaluation of Resident/Fellow by Faculty Member – a sample of the form used for evaluation of a resident/fellow by a faculty member
• Multi-Source Evaluation of Resident/Fellow – a sample of the form used for evaluation of a resident/fellow by evaluators other than faculty members (e.g., peers, patients, self, other professional staff members)
• Semiannual and Final Evaluations – a blank copy of the form that will be used to document the semiannual evaluation of a resident/fellow with feedback, and a blank copy of the final evaluation of a resident/fellow upon completion of the program verifying that he or she has demonstrated the knowledge, skills, and behaviors to enter autonomous unsupervised practice
In addition to the attachments, ACGME requires additional information such as: Program director, faculty information, including degrees, curriculum vitae, and contact details; Participating sites, including rotation months, site director names, and Program Letters of Agreement and dates; program personnel, including program coordinators; clinical and educational work; overall evaluation methods used; and other items related to the Program Requirements (Common).
And finally there there is a section through the Accreditation Data System (ADS) where relevant sections must be complete for the application to be acceptable for review.
With our services, we include at no extra cost the creation and development of your new Graduate Medical Education Residency Policy And Procedure Manual to go along with your residency/fellowship program.