Part of our expertise is taking your established teaching Health Center/ hospital and completing a full assessment as to whether or not your current Graduate Medical Education (GME) programs are capturing all full-time equivalent (FTE) available for the Medicare CMS cost report.
If your programs are not capturing the full potential FTE's, your institution is losing a great amount of CMS reimbursement money crucial for the survival of your residency and/or fellowship training programs.
CMS FTE Definition: Full-time equivalent (FTE) resident caps for teaching hospitals set the maximum number of residents for which the hospital is eligible to receive graduate medical education (GME) reimbursement from Medicare.
Medicare provides funding for GME, paying “its share” of costs. Medicare provides GME payments based on a number of factors, including an institution’s FTE residents/fellows. However, Medicare GME funding is not tied to a specific resident/fellow. Instead, multiple residents/fellows may occupy one FTE because not all time is counted for Medicare purposes (e.g., time spent at facilities operated by a VA Medical Center would not be reimbursed by Medicare).
Part of our assessment is to evaluate your residency / fellowship programs’ rotation block schedules, affiliations, participating sites and GME resident/fellow database software to make sure all available FTE’s are being captured for CME reimbursement.