For a facility to be able to sponsor residents / fellows it first must become a "Sponsoring Institution".
ACGME Definition: The organization (or entity) that assumes the ultimate financial and academic responsibility for a program of graduate medical education. The sponsoring institution has the primary purpose of providing educational programs and/or health care services.
The sponsoring institution will have to first successfully complete an ACGME institutional review. The GMEC along with the Designated Institutional Official (DIO) have the authority and responsibility for the oversight and administration of the Sponsoring Institution’s ACGME-accredited programs, as well as responsibility for ensuring compliance with the ACGME Institutional, Common, and Specialty/Subspecialty Specific Program Requirements, and the Sponsoring Institution Governing Body.
The following documents are required as PDF uploads when completing the Sponsoring Institution application:
• Intent to Apply Form – First step to applying for and receiving accreditation
• Initial Institutional Application – Sponsoring Institutions must apply for and receive institutional accreditation before applying for program accreditation. Application is roughly around 10,000 words. Sponsoring Institutions must apply for and receive institutional accreditation before applying for program accreditation
• Organizational charts – Showing the position of the GMEC and DIO
• Statement of commitment to GME – Showing financial support from board of directors for the institution
• GMEC minutes – At least 6-12 months showing policies have been reviewed and approved
• GMEC membership – Voting members who will meet at least quarterly to discuss ongoing institution and program goals and objectives
• AIR performance indicators – Self-study results; ACGME Resident/Faculty Survey; Program accreditation status; Written executive summary of AIR submitted by DIO to governing body each year
• Special Review protocol – Effective oversight of underperforming programs
In addition to the attachments, ACGME requires additional information such as: Leadership (Oversight and Support); Structure for Educational Oversight; Resident/Fellow Learning and Working Environment; Graduate Medical Education Committee (GMEC); Institutional Resources; Resident eligibility; Resident Promotion/Renewal/Dismissal; Grievances and Benefits.
And finally there is a section through the Accreditation Data System (ADS) where relevant sections must be complete for the application to be acceptable for review.
With our services, we include at no extra cost the creation and development of your new Sponsoring Institution Policy And Procedure House Manual. This is the foundation to your future residency/fellowship programs.
We can work with your legal team with hospitals bylaws and creating resident contracts.